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The current owners are Richard and Chris Budman, who purchased Paladin in June 2018. 1979 to 2016, the Signal was owned by Savannah, Georgia -based Morris Multimedia, who sold it to Paladin Multi-Media Group.

It was founded in 1919 as a weekly, the Newhall Signal. Advanced generation adenoviral vectors possess augmented gene transfer efficiency based upon car-independent cellular entry capacity Cancer Res 2000 60: 6784 6784 The Santa Clarita Valley Signal is a newspaper in Santa Clarita, California. An advanced generation of adenoviral vectors selectively enhances gene transfer for ovarian cancer gene therapy approaches Gynecol Oncol 1999 74: 227 227 Genetic targeting of adenoviral vectors Mol Ther 2000 1: 391 391 Krasnykh V.N., Douglas J.T., van Beusechem V.W. Differential signaling by an Anti-p185HER2 antibody and heregulin Cancer Res 2000 60: 3522 3522 Tumor-inhibitory antibodies to HER-2/ErbB-2 may act by recruiting c-Cbl and enhancing ubiquitination of Her-2 Cancer Res 2000 60: 2284 2284 Klapper L.N., Waterman H., Sela M., Yarden Y. Selection of tumor-specific internalizing human anitbodies from phage libraries J Mol Biol 2000 301: 1149 1149 Herceptin (trastuzamab) in advanced breast cancer Can Tr Rev 2000 26: 287 287 Pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of engineered single-chain antibody constructs of Mab CC49 in colon carcinoma xenografts J Nucl Med 1999 40: 1536 1536 Antibody therapy of acute myelogenous leukemia Cancer Biother Radiopharm 2000 15: 319 319 Recombinant antibodies: a novel approach to cancer diagnosis therapy Expert Opin Invest Drugs 2000 9: 1231 1231 This method will likely have applicability for a range of disorders amenable to targeted therapeutic approaches. In vivo gene transfer clearly represents a powerful means to realize effective scFv-based approaches. Thus, by virtue of engineering a secreted version of the anti-tumor anti-erbB-2 scFv, and in vivo expression via adenoviral vector, effective concentrations of scFv were achieved. In vivo gene transfer via the anti-erbB2 scFv encoding adenovirus also showed anti-tumor effects. Adenoviral vectors expressing the cDNA for the secretory scFv likewise could induce target cells to produce an anti-tumor anti-erbB2 scFv. The secreted scFv could bind to its target and specifically suppress cell growth of erbB2-positive cells in vitro. An anti-erbB2 scFv was engineered for secretion by eukaryotic cells. To circumvent these limitations, we have developed an approach to express scFv in vivo. The practical utility of these agents have been limited, however, by difficulties related to production of recombinant scFv and the achievement of effective and sustained levels of scFv in situ.

Single chain antibodies (scFv) represent powerful interventional agents for the achievement of targeted therapeutics.